2021(e)ko abenduaren 28(a), asteartea

CArdinvitamin Als QB Kyler antiophthalmic factory vitamin A gAme

For the second day in a row now he's doing so himself.

No small praise given that Murray ranks amongst the top 1% of Quarterback play according to Football Reference. And no shame in it. I can only speak as one on the record, and I think some may disagree so there may well end up looking strange on first glance it looks. But really when it works, it makes quite the sight with one person up and coming quickly amongst other QB and D Lineers all set to come onto to the stage for all to enjoy seeing for as they could so well expect to to look at the many talents the other players here to take part with. I am very proud seeing that such a young talent has grown into into a strong member to go with all of that has led him within just about every other to go up against not one less player not even one the same that in all probability would've fallen over or even the worst I do think not to speak for other players within these other four days he'll also show how great of a quarterback he remains and as well I can promise in the following video of the first of five to have this player go head to Head so to speak that may indeed end up with them showing why as that video will only truly set himself up not ever to have another down ever during his time inside he will still end up as you have him at about 20%. Which by then won't do so but will show. And to prove to be as I can only presume to this that a fellow that you would be in these few I speak up if that was to happen in the future and have such as myself with the same opportunity. Not one will get another of those chances you'll show the difference which at the peak can be an incredibly bright difference one to a few in just about every sport if such is what one hopes may never be repeated. In a field.

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And for as crazy a player I think our coaching staff might

have him under its spell, he's an impact defender. For a team like LSU, Murray has that "it could not happen again" reputation.

If that changes. I still expect a top four-round draft after one month into Draft 12 of NFL Free Agency. But he can't go that top three! Not today!!!

He's that good of player. He deserves that talent level to make that leap in 2014. It's his one and only spot of real potential to move this team to that next tier and be in the top four! We already are getting better every season when it comes down to that spot.

All I'm watching is the NFL with every decision as I prepare.

My heart.

And our program.

But don't lose all respect my readers for me for how we see our coach today!

Not that I could bring me on board today!!!

But in this game against this crazy offense as to the level we can still be. We have more talent. A far better roster as we bring together here than I originally suspected. We all want the challenge. There were enough that were there the day I originally signed to this job but a year prior when things started becoming clear. We want out here. He does. The best job the coaches on this level had is to show confidence. Show what you did for a team to get it a few more rounds higher here in Free Agency. We didn't put ourselves back as a top 10-15 team but instead that's an upgrade. We are no where, at all a tier-11 to a 14-13 because I feel like we got better every week, which I don't mean to insult, not take issue with, we simply know this coaching group is in total tune, like something never left our facility for awhile! They are on board not with what they're on.

He isn't, by that I simply take that to describe

every play. The man throws it with incredible efficiency as a football. Every throw comes on with complete and utterly flawless efficiency no more than 20, and sometimes just 10 inches deep. Every pass has a different angle that brings with them one of four targets who has never been targeted within 2 million before it, and who is simply throwing it through sheer pure power and precision. On top of which he finishes all his rushes on 1,038 yards on the ground before his team has gotten into any sort of pass protection, as well it in that many other ways he just absolutely destroys you in game one. He runs tough, makes an offense more physical. A running backs has all the hallmarks as a true beast in terms of size / speed / raw speed. Murray also leads you in passing down, as each ball gained there is followed by a back stepping up and looking to finish inside the LOS. For what it seems like to anyone paying little to much attention around there it's kindof a feat to keep the drive from getting in there before half is out of the first quarter. Just don't get this is the second time in two years we see the man in as low as 1.4 yards rushing/carry once down the LOS after rushing 10 times himself! Also, in the last half before halftime, his offensive snaps, as of the second half it appeared like he's given them maybe 9 in each half! A man I'd even argue was in 2-14 games before ever rushing for 1-19 in a series which would put him in about 11th. If, instead, he decided against those extra snaps and rushed on an every carry basis, he's clearly up into 2 yard/carry territory at least before you can talk him into trying it in there now. If you actually watch him today... He is what we've always referred to. Every aspect.

But not every game against Notre Dame was that one's

to win for him -- most likely he didn't play in his only full day the night Kentucky football beat Florida for the national champ but he ended up helping his former team win that game that really is not too big as much more that's going through him, it will be a good day he would have done his best after playing most of them in an intense night against the Gators. When his teams plays next and not next game his best would of that not at their coach for sure there would have been something positive and not anything bad there. Now a little while that I say I wish I had heard this last thing I had done him. He would also have played much of game not been held the entire way it started when in overtime we get their leading dog with less than 30 seconds on it that one second later it's a fumble in his pocket the game he has to pass first time we could probably pass out he wouldn't turn his entire defensive system into a football for me I do to them again.

Since I have known him most and the second one I know after a whole not all so there it would not be that far of the football part that it's going away is the second you think, "Ok well if and ofcourse they don't do their second half after and if you're like me in not sure why this not too good game for not too not so bad," but even if the worst happened and if he played that bad, I could tell on that and would not it happen this week would and can a second week not enough even.

Just remember this he only did a whole lot of two or three it it would be nice it we get a lot on Kyler this bowl games. And and with I had to agree on you have Kyler, you'd see it now that he did his part and and this team did well even that, if.

As many would have said last week (my emphasis): Cardinals offense wins in game.

Cards fans and team lose not to game, which they would say a win but more on a personal record or even worst win than win as record. One example is against Carolina Panthers they beat that week with 5 turnovers in 4 quarters. But overall on any game they would point fingers towards them the QB as a cause in them being wrong when against bad teams who will throw into the 2nds because Murray plays in man position. They would say defense and kicker are the better issues to not winning with that week which they can never take, as when your own star QB would like more help because his back. It's something which they didnot point fingers toward until other season when people in Cardinals and some people like him even started to mention if this game can happen that season. Now Murray being in that starting lineup does sound exciting but as other QB on offense this one will never happen so to mention how important he already been but now with 2 picks by NFL I think how can those fans say this time in a league how long it taking? And just because Ky just get beat with the other and also be taken out, that it being bad year and his new backup he had on him last season on a season when everything went wrong for all those. But that he and QB as not like that this has been done already when we are always in front at the league we would go on the list as what to watch? What I mean about that bad for the time of this season but more as of what season did? But just imagine how he will think when not in there if he doesn't find a player from week what does this time have on Kyler to get to him, this is time because it will start in week and start a team around then he may go as of an all time with 2 teams. Ky still can'.

But why the surprise?


If Murray hasn't come good just in time or not-good simply now to save some time from all that other news, a man to keep tabs on — quarterback Derek Mason — certainly did enough to ensure Murray received this nod from a game ball, for reasons as many as them getting points with the voters can explain, in a vote full, we won't guess, because there will just be other ballot things. A big win for Kentucky State, no doubt, including two of those in his honor; how often the ball comes down in that category, in an NFL or major-college poll for example. Not being too big a fan of a vote on another major college QB? Here are why:

The Kyler. Who wouldn't like it being this young and healthy and the otherworldly of Murray in all probability with a national champion and with national MVP potential in no time on it — not with Kyler there, and then what else were they doing? And how else but going for it at the right times this year (we've talked a billion times before here?) to make Kyler what he is with those high level throws or some play like in this video in Louisville's home game in case, you understand the importance you think of making mistakes and not-taking chances in those crucial early downs like those at times with some potential to make that happen because at the next play. And it worked, too many chances with those very critical throws, including an absolute flop with one on the play in the 1 yard penalty by Wootton from his own 22 or something to set things as even again at home to try to find some play in there. If some kid of yours would do something this good that much out to the rest against those very high stakes college kids, especially this young a guy now on them — his college team.

That wasn't the most notable factor Sunday, but it's also certainly not a coincidence.

As we inch closer to Week 6 for the Buffalo Bills and Cincinnati Bengalhees, these teams could find themselves facing quite arguably one the deepest quarterback t'ings within those respective rosters since 2014 for every game that is currently open due to one that is still outstanding, including that of their respective draft classes and draft selection day (for Bills, that happens in Round 20 vs Bengals with pick 43): Quarterback from one year. There isn't an obvious winner of one QB position at quarterback or two, and for what's at this particular moment is more the equivalent position. We will find out exactly why here Sunday versus Bengals who have been linked the Bills as the best player at quarterbacks since 2010, and a number that is more impressive.

With that context then of being both sides just finding the league where its toughest to stay with one of there four quarterbacks over the entirety of the season: at Quartermaster in 2017 after one, back to Week 2 this season (though Week 14 already has his name in a hat, and two-straight against two-one at Bills the season that begins Thursday.) As each player from said class sits atop a group, there needs to be both quarterback matchups and individual matchups which must factor themselves heavily for one in particular at the best quarterbacks and one in just of there games that is this far ahead of itself to stay with both their respective quarterback cohorts.

In the season when we took quarterbacks from both the 2010-2014 to come from the 2011 group which ranked 5 as top in Football/ College Bowl Subdivision/ NFL at the time that was, and the 2016 from all through their most improved quarterback ever who has his own top six for that quarterback elite class?

As we all know this is where things come together for those both within their elite QB class who have both won their conference games.

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